How to add more photos to template

You can add this in tempalte description section by pasting code below to generated template code:

<img src=”ADD_HERE_YOUR_LINK_TO_TEMPLATE” style=”max-width: 100%; height: auto;”>

ADD_HERE_YOUR_LINK_TO_TEMPLATE – here you must paste your link to photo, you will need photo hosting or you can use ebay photo hosting after publish listing copy ebay hosting photo url.

This code add responsive photo in section where you paste in our template.

How to add Item Description on mobile?

Ebay allows customizing short Item Description on mobile.

Item description on mobile ebay

By default, in our all templates, this is the text from the Description Section.

Example in TU05:

descripton mobile text section
description mobile is getting from the description section in any template

Ebay get automatically 800 first characters from text in this section.

Remember, each new line is like 50 characters.

More info you can find on Ebay site:

How to move to ebay get text from different pleace?

To do this, after you generate code in herolister you need to move the selected code to a different place.

Remember when pasting this code do not leave any space between characters

I can’t upload a photo

Please check format of your photos.

We recommended PNG or JPEG or JPG format.

Also, max upload photo size is 1MB (because bigger photos are not recommended, bigger photos will be slowly loadings).

If you know how to fast resize your photo please read here.

Do the templates have active content?

No templates do not have active content (ebay not allowed this). All templates is fully compatible with ebay rules, and if ebay something change we will prepare for this our template.

Too big white space (or margin) around my images in template

If you have too big spaces around your photos in the template you should resize your photo to smaller or do the same resolution for all photos in the gallery.

For example too big logo (you should do logo smaller):

For example different photo resolutions in gallery (you should do all photos the same resolution):

How to resize your photos?

Read our faq page here


How can i change or add ebay user id?

You can change your eBay user ID (it’s required if you create a template), after log in to your account next go to my account -> My ebay accounts.

This is your ebay user id:

I have a lot of listings can i update this listings automattically?

There is no option to automatically update all your listings if you do not use different software which is to create eBay listings automatically (outside eBay).

But, our system is very fast to create new listings because you can save drafts, to create a new listing you only copy to our software your actual description, add photos and add the title of the product.

Generate the code and edit you’re actually listing on eBay adding our template code.

For more info on how to create templates watch our main tutorial on the homepage or there on FAQ page.

If you want to know how to adapt our templates for your software please read this.

My photos are too big, how fast make it smaller (or not uploading)?

We have a size limit to uploading photos.

Because too big photos will slowly be loading on your ebay listing.

First way (recommend because is fast)

If you use Windows, we recommend installing PowerToys.

With PowerToys you can simply resize your photos by clicking the right mouse button on your photo and clicking resize.

fast resize photos with powertoys

Also, if you want to compress your photos without losing quality we recommend go to and compress (after this your photos also will less weigh).

Second way (good but slower)

An alternative way to resize is to go to and resize.

Next if you want you can go to and compress.

Third way (not recommend)

You can also upload photos to and paste the photo URL to the template in herolister

*but remember using free hosting image is not a good idea because your photos can disappear and you will not be informed about it


Fourth way (also good)

Also, you can use ebay hosting.

In 7:25 min you can see how to get a link to your eBay image:


So first you must add a listing with no template and upload photos to eBay, next you need to add these links to in template generate form and revise your listing by adding template code.

The best idea if you do photos by phone on camera please not set maximum resolution for example 4k (it’s not needed, the picture will be showing good), please use smaller resolution and quality.

Wrong data is automatically entered into the template generation form

Some browsers automatically added the latest data you entered to the different form fields.

This can be any field even an image field (duplicated images).

If you experience this problem, you need to disable the automatic form completion in your browser or use a different browser to use our system.

Chrome browser do this often, so we recommended use a different browser.

Or you can simply disable autofill, here you have instruction for any browser: